Game of lefts

Intellectual untouchability

    Recent incident of WSC made me think about the left Eco system and it's practices.It made me clear that so called flag bearers of anti untouchability (may be read as anti-Brahmanism) movement are themselves practicing untouchability. May be the mode is different but the base layer is same. As per communist historian's version,  purpose of untouchability was to make others to accept there supremacy , authoritarianism without the concept of merit. Hence it was mostly practiced by upper-class (not only Brahmans) who has to  rule others irrespective of merits. If anyone challenge them on there capacity ,they would use there supremacy as there last weapon to tackle ,rather than encouraging the merit. Merit can be logically challenged but not supremacy. The same technique is being used by communists to tackle there ideological opponents. Here supremacy is disguised in the name of academia. They don't tolerate another narrative. They have created their own den . They will not let you enter there den,until you belong to there class. After all if you still able to challenge and question there narrative on the basic of proof ,they first  ignore you, then humiliate you ,abuse you.  They brand you as hooligan and non-academic by using all available resources like press and media.This is the very technique used by Ananya vajapeyi. When her narrative was again tackled with proof ,she used women card and cast card and tried to make it as cast clash. This is often used technique. Many times these comrades used women card in the name of feminism. For ex, whenever ABVP tried to organise an event, comrades opposed them, hackled the event .When the tension use to arise in both camps, comrades would beat them. But when other party tried to react, they sent Mahila comrades in front and succeeded to make it look like women molestation incident. This was a mind game and nothing to do with ideology. So other party always blamed as goons. Media also supported this play.
But yesterday when three states CM's arrived to talk in JNU. They wanted to play same game. As Other party understood this old game,they sent there women cadre in front to tackle the situation . Mahila comrades tried to provoke men using derogatory language. Instead of men,women cadre reacted with same degree. Thus there attempt to hackle the event was failed.
Note to us..When other party want to play chess ,we should understand that there is  no place for fair play.  Instead  of  putting proofs on table,We should also play chess. When they are ready for balanced discussion , we can show our proofs.


  1. anti-Brahmanism इत्यत्र इदं ब्रह्मानिसम् नाम किम्? कृपया विव्रीयताम् ।
    पाश्चात्यैयः किमपि पारिभाषिकं पदमिदम् उच्यते किन्तु तस्य यथावत् कोर्थः? भवता केनार्थेन प्रयोक्तमिति।

    1. विलम्बेन उत्तरं दीयते क्षमा अस्तु )
      भारतेतिहासे यद्यद् अनर्थं सञ्जातं तत्सर्वमपि ब्राह्मणकृतमेव, अन्यान् निगृह्य पीडयितुमेव वेदान्,स्मृतीन् ब्राह्मणाः अरचयन् अतः तेषां विरोधः कार्यः इति तेषां वादः anti Brahmanism इत्युच्यते। अस्मिन् अर्थे मयापि प्रयूक्तः।

    2. अनर्थशब्दः पुंलिङ्गे वर्तते

    3. अनर्थकम् इति भवितव्यम्। धन्यवादः।


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