
Showing posts from 2018


                                                                                                    When a human being comes to outer world from mother’s womb, he is considered as another creature in this world.   What makes him different from other creatures is the concept that he has higher intellectual thinking capacity which is found rarely in others. Human being can evolve this capacity to fulfill his spiritual and social desires. Nowadays you can see many ads which tell you to use their products to increase brain’s capacity. But you know that they are not going to help you. We have solution for this In sanatana dharma. Our rishis   did find a unique spiritual way to evolve our intellectual capacity, which is called   gayatri mantra. Chanting and meditating   gayatri mantra   has several uses which includes evolvement of spiritual and intellectual consciousness.   To chant and meditate gayatri mantra, we need an authority. That authority gaining ceremony is called as Upanayan

Two era's of Sanskrit

I am going start this article by telling you two incidents. First one is from 11th  century. There was  a king called Bhoja. His kingdom was so prosperous. once a poet called Laksmidhara came to his city. he was so impressed and made his mind to live in that city. So he went to king's court, and told his intention . Bhoja was so pleased and ordered his minister to make arrangements for his accommodation. whoever is illiterate in this city vacate his home and allot that home to this pundit, ordered king.  minister   went to find some illiterate ,but couldn’t find . he came back to king and told that he couldn’t find any illiterate in the city.  king told minister to find someone who couldn’t    compose poem in Sanskrit and allot that home to this poet.Then minister went to one waiver's house and asked him that if he is able to create poemes in Sanskrit. He told that he had studied Sanskrit but as his profession is waiving , he has nothing to do with   creating poem and all. T

Game of lefts

Intellectual untouchability     Recent incident of WSC made me think about the left Eco system and it's practices.It made me clear that so called flag bearers of anti untouchability (may be read as anti-Brahmanism) movement are themselves practicing untouchability. May be the mode is different but the base layer is same. As per communist historian's version,  purpose of untouchability was to make others to accept there supremacy , authoritarianism without the concept of merit. Hence it was mostly practiced by upper-class (not only Brahmans) who has to  rule others irrespective of merits. If anyone challenge them on there capacity ,they would use there supremacy as there last weapon to tackle ,rather than encouraging the merit. Merit can be logically challenged but not supremacy. The same technique is being used by communists to tackle there ideological opponents. Here supremacy is disguised in the name of academia. They don't tolerate another narrative. They have created

Samskruta Students meet

One and half year back myself and tirumala Acharya were talking about samskrita and he introduced me his new book sarala kathina samskrita. After long conversation he suggested me to teach this book through Skype. One fine day in March 2017, I have started teaching to the first batch,which included 7 members. I have started second batch officially from poorna prajna vidyapeetha on july 2017. now I recently started 6th batch. Sarala Kathina samskrita book is ambitious project of Pro.Tirumala kulakarni,which aims to teach textual Samskrita using scientific methodology. He prepared this book using computational linguistic tools. As he himself quotes in the book "we do not claim That this book is the first of its kind in teaching Sanskrit. But this is a new break through and a novel effort to teach difficult Sanskrit in an easy simple way." "The essence of this book is that what we have gathered is in numbers and figures. like the nouns that are 'a'karanta,halanta