Two era's of Sanskrit

I am going start this article by telling you two incidents. First one is from 11th  century. There was  a king called Bhoja. His kingdom was so prosperous. once a poet called Laksmidhara came to his city. he was so impressed and made his mind to live in that city. So he went to king's court, and told his intention . Bhoja was so pleased and ordered his minister to make arrangements for his accommodation. whoever is illiterate in this city vacate his home and allot that home to this pundit, ordered king.  minister  went to find some illiterate ,but couldn’t find . he came back to king and told that he couldn’t find any illiterate in the city.  king told minister to find someone who couldn’t  compose poem in Sanskrit and allot that home to this poet.Then minister went to one waiver's house and asked him that if he is able to create poemes in Sanskrit. He told that he had studied Sanskrit but as his profession is waiving , he has nothing to do with  creating poem and all. Then  minister ordered him to vacate his  home so that it could be occupied by great poet,and told him that he need to come with him to meet king Bhoja. Waiver came to court and told that his livelihood is dependent on that home, so it will be difficult for him if he vacatesvthe house.  king thought and tried to convince him . King told that a great poet needs home  as he cannot create poems,it will be helpful if he vacates home and allow poet to occupy, and he will be provided enough money to buy another house in outer city. Waiver told that before making any decision he must listen to him. At that moment waiver started composing a poem

काव्यं करोमि न तु चारुतरं करॊमि। यत्नात् करोमि यदि चारुतरं करोमि।       भूपालमौलिमणिमण्डितपादपीठ ।हे साहसाङ्क कवयामि वयामि यामि ।

 ( I can create poems but they may not beautiful.  If i put some effort ,i may create poems. hey king, one who has all king's crown-stone under his feet, hey great warrior,  I will compose song,waive clothes, and now i will go to my home)

King was very much pleased by his knowledge on composition. kavayami vayami yami was a good prasa. Instead of vacating his home, he gave him gold as a present and sent him back.

Another incident  belongs to this era. You may heard  the name of Devadutta patnayak .He is self claimed mythologist .He has written many books on puranas .and he recently wrote a book on bhagavadgeeta. In that book he made mistakes that no Sanskrit learner will do. Let us leave philosophical errors, he makes linguistic errors, which leave you surprised as how can a best selling author, aka mythologist , can do such silly mistakes.  his errors are pointed out by author and Sanskrit scholar nityananda misra in his article.

He cannot differentiate between bhgãga and bhaga.  bhãga means slice . bhaga has a different meaning and it's associated  with the words like bhagavan and bhagavati . Bhaga gives us a meaning which cannot be translated in one word.  qualities like immense yogic  power , wealth ,  strength, jnãna  and vijnãna  are addressed with the  word bhaga. One who has bhaga is bhagavan.  not jusy words, he cannot differentiate between soft consonants and hard consonants.  
nowadays its hard to find  good translations without mistakes. its better to learn Sanskrit and try to understand original texts.  And Learning Sanskrit will also help you to find errors in Devadautt type's translations . So learning Sanskrit will be a win - win situation .  


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