
Showing posts from October, 2018

Two era's of Sanskrit

I am going start this article by telling you two incidents. First one is from 11th  century. There was  a king called Bhoja. His kingdom was so prosperous. once a poet called Laksmidhara came to his city. he was so impressed and made his mind to live in that city. So he went to king's court, and told his intention . Bhoja was so pleased and ordered his minister to make arrangements for his accommodation. whoever is illiterate in this city vacate his home and allot that home to this pundit, ordered king.  minister   went to find some illiterate ,but couldn’t find . he came back to king and told that he couldn’t find any illiterate in the city.  king told minister to find someone who couldn’t    compose poem in Sanskrit and allot that home to this poet.Then minister went to one waiver's house and asked him that if he is able to create poemes in Sanskrit. He told that he had studied Sanskrit but as his profession is waiving , he has nothing to do with   creating poem and all. T